Used Lockers New Jersey. stocks new and used lockers in New Jersey in Metal, Wood, in single tier, double tier – stacked doors and box lockers six tier. Our team provides complimentary layouts six days a week. Either online or onsite. Proudly serving industry since 1909.

Unfortunately due to steel shortages, Logistic issues and steel surcharges buyers should seek out Locker specialists to provide what is needed at the lowest overall cost and the best warranty available. Used Lockers, Shelving and Pallet Rack has been priced by some like the used car industry. Our 113 years in business is built on putting the customer first. Contact us today for immediate assistance one of our Techs will respond immediately.

For those who purchased lockers in the past. Some things have changed with manufactures that all should he aware of. In the past Lockers were the same powder coat color inside and out. Now some manufactures paint the exterior of the locker in one of the standard colors. The interior color may not be the same. Note on your request if the same color is preferred inside and out. It may cost more. Another change is single tier full height lockers had a had shelf, coat rod and coat hooks. Some manufactures do not offer shelves and or coat rods as a standard items within the locker and may need to be requested.

How to get the lockers quickly at the lowest overall cost and best warranty. Quick ship once meant next day or within 48 hour delivery or shipping. Today quick ship is normally 10 days due to worker shortages in the plant and or driver shortages. To speed up delivery consider standard quick ship colors. Typically Tan, Gray and some Blue. Quick ship lockers come with legs. Order front and side bases to close on the legs. Ordering lockers with legs and closed in bases is less expensive the zee base. Please note all lockers usually list the height as 72″h or 60″ high. Chances are you will need to factor in another 6″ for the legs.

Welded Wire Lockers shown above commonly used to store technicians equipment and daily workorders. Available with full height weld wire back panel or full height rear door to fill all lockers quickly. Both the front and rear doors have welded hasps for padlocks.
Should I order lockers shipped un-assembled or assembled. If you haven’t built lockers before its no fun. Unassembled lockers require skilled tradesman. Setting them up requires a level surface to lay the backs and sides on. Setting the doors on to the sides can be tricky. Assembling lockers is alot like Christmas Eve with the kids toys. Each locker literally has almost 60 nuts and bolts to assemble. Save time and money, Have the lockers delivered assembled. Chances are you will save substantially on labor.

Should I buy used or new lockers? That depends, Like used cars one has to really inspect the lockers. Usually when a school, business or hospital discards lockers they are in rough shape. a lot like a 10 year old NYC taxi cab. However their are some great deals on used lockers. Some companies have closed during the pandemic with the need to sell their lockers, shelving and or pallet rack that is still in great shape. Contact us we will get you the deal needed.

LockersUSA stocks Locker Benches, ADA Benches and Standard Benches and the ones shown above with bottom shoe shelf. Available with green or blue frame.
Our office is open Monday through Saturday 6AM to 6PM. Contact us today for immediate assistance.
Used Lockers delivered daily to New Jersey, NYC, Queens NY, Brooklyn, Staten Island,