Tag Archives: Cannabis Cages Philadelphia

Tenant Storage Lockers Camden – LockersUSA.com

Tenant Storage Lockers Camden.  Proudly serving New Jersey and Pennsylvania for 114 years. Manufacturer and distributor of Tenant Storage Lockers. Built to last at the lowest overall cost and best warranty in the business. Our tenant storage lockers are made with 4ga thick (aprox 1/4″) welded wire, More than double the 10ga thick (aprox 1/8) of all other brands. Our storage cages doors have full height anti theft lock bars and welded hasp for the residents lock. Standard door widths are 36″ or 48″ wide. Stocked in our 120,000 square foot NJ warehouse in rust resistant galvanized and powder coat black.

Tenant Storage Cages NJ
Tenant Storage Lockers Camden NJ. Generates excellent Revenue.

Most developers have the storage lockers attached directly to the rooms walls and floors. Cages off the walls come with backs. Tops, Floors, Backs can be included on request.

Tenant Storage Cages Camden NJ
Tenant Storage Cages in Philadelphia and Camden.
Free code compliant layouts and daily deliveries.

Tenant storage lockers come on two types, Single tier – full height and double tier – stacked doors. both types are very popular in Camden County and Philadelphia.

When buying tenant storage cages, Stick to industry standard sizes for the best overall cost. Email us for standard sizes and cost. Sales@LockersUSA.com 

Tenant Storage Lockers generate excellent revenue in Camden. Most residential buildings charge a monthly rental fee for storage cages raging from 65.00 to $125.00 per month. A storage room with 40 cages renting out for $85.00 per month will generate $40,800.00 per year in revenue. The lockers will pay for themselves in one year on average, With standard size cages.

Our New Jersey – Philadelphia warehouse also stocks Cannabis Cages for the dispensary, medical an cultivator facilities. Our code compliant cages can be delivered and installed within one week. Contact us today for a complimentary, Code compliant Layout Sales@LockersUSA.com

Wall Mount Bike Brackets NJ
Wall Mount Bike Racks in Camden County NJ. Space saving, Commercial grade, Locking. Free code compliant layout and quote.

Our Wall Mount Bike Brackets provide space saving, Secure, Easy to use bike room. Designed to allow bikes to be spaced on 12″centers when space is tight. Manufactured with scratch resistant design. Each #1888 bike bracket has a five foot cushion coated security cable, That can be wrapped around the bike frame and both rims. Then secured with the bike owners lock.  Need a bike room layout. contact our bike room techs today at Sales@LockersUSA.com

Tenant Storage Lockers Camden, Tenant Storage Lockers Philadelphia, Tenant Storage Cages Camden, Tenant Storage Cages Philadelphia, Cannabis Cages Camden NJ, Cannabis Cages Philadelphia, Wall Mount Bike Racks Camden NJ, Wall Mount Bike Racks Philadelphia PA,

Medical Marijuana Cages Philadelphia

Medical Marijuana Cages Philadelphia. DEA Compliant Medical Marijuana and Cannabis Growing Cages in Philadelphia. Woven Wire Cages in stock. Complimentary layouts, Lowest overall cost. Marijuana Cages Cages Philadelphia takes the stress out of becoming compliant. Our specialists provide complimentary code compliant  onsite or online code compliant layouts. six days a week. Lowest overall cost, Lifetime Warranty, Deliveries from our Philadelphia facility ships in 48 hours. Sales@LockersUSA.com

Medical Marijuana cages Philadelphia
Medical Marijuana Cages Philadelphia. DEA Compliant Marijuana Cages in stock. All sizes in stock, Ships in 3 days. Complimentary Code Compliant Layouts. Sales@LockersUSA.com

Manufactured with woven wire 10ga partitions and doors. Our modular design allows you to buy the size needed and easily expand as the business grows. Doors stocked in Hinged and Sliding. Medical Marijuana cages can be built up top 24′ high. In many cases the size of the cage can be significantly reduced with space efficient storage layouts of the room. LockersUSA.com specialists can provide complimentary layouts to maximize the space needed inside the cage. Typically our specialists can increase existing storage space by over 50% or reduce the storage space needed by 50%. LockersUSA delivers daily from New Jersey and Nationwide form 8 nationwide distribution centers. Our team will help you comply with Federal Regulation 21 CFR 1301.72 contact us today for immediate assistance.

LockersUSA  provides DEA Code Compliant – Cannabis Cages for every phase of cannabis production process including:

  • Mother Rooms
  • Clone Rooms
  •  Growth Rooms
  • Flowering Rooms
  • Drying  Rooms
  • Extraction Rooms
  • Compounding Rooms
  • MIP Production
  • Packaging Rooms
  • Shipping & Receiving

Medical Marijuana Cages Philadelphia allows for major cost savings. No additional temperature controls, lighting or sprinkles  needs to be added as air and light pass through. Contact us today for Complementary layouts, pricing, Specifications. Our offices and distribution centers are open Monday through Friday 7AM – 5PM and Saturdays 7AM to 4PM.

Medical Marijuana Cages Philadelphia, Marijuana DEA Cages Philadelphia PA, Cannabis Cages Philadelphia, Medical Marijuana Cages PA, Cannabis Cages PA, Cannabis Dispensary Cages Philadelphia,  DEA compliant Cannabis Cages Pennsylvania, Federal Regulation 21 CFR 1301.72,  Medical Marijuana Cages Philadelphia daily to Pennsylvania.