DEA Cannabis Cages NYC. NYOCM and DEA compliant cannabis storage cages for dispensaries, cultivators in New York City. The guidelines for cannabis storage in NYOCM licensed facilities can be confusing. Our techs take the stress out of selecting the correct cannabis storage cage based on your license and specific, tailored needs. DEA Cannabis Storage Cages in NYC need to be four sided with a ceiling and self closing hinged or slide door. No sweep is permitted along the cage walls. Current code is 10ga thick frame woven wire cage material. All anchors and fasteners must be secured – anti-theft.

Our Manhattan based team of specialists provide complimentary layout assistance that will meet code guidelines and tailored to your specific space and needs. If possible before the build out to save money and time have the cannabis cage space have an 8′ high clearance. 8′ high is the industry standard and in stock from most manufacturers. 7′ high caging is available, However 7′ high cage doors have longer lead times. Doors are stocked in hinged or slide with cylinder locks or programmable locks in push button, key fob, card swipe or electric strike.

Locking Service windows with exterior counter can be installed in you cage wall to limit access to the cage.

The service window has a solid steel door that unlocks and slides up. Space utilization is key to your new business. How cannabis is stored can be key to maximizing time and space.
Your inventory cage can hold double the number of shelving rows with our rolling – slide shelving. In stock, Cost effective, Free delivery. P(917) 701-5795

Our team provides suggestions to double the amount of inventory cost effectively.
Contact us today for immediate assistance with NYOCM Compliant storage cage needs, Our office and NYC distribution center is open Monday – Saturday 7AM – 7PM, Contact us for immediate assistance.