Category Archives: Tenant Storage Lockers NYC 11101

Tenant Storage Lockers in Long Island City Coop Generate Revenue

Long Island City NY 11101 Tenant Storage Lockers in Stock. Tenant Storage Lockers from Equiptall provide many benefits, Onsite , Secure storage, Low cost, Lifetime Warranty, Weather resistant. Tenant Storage Lockers also generate revenue, To offset costs Coop, Condo Boards, Property Management and Developers now charge a minimal rental fee to help offset other costs. Tenant Storage Lockers usually pay for themselves within 7 months, Thereafter generating revenue for the building. lets say a building has 50 units, A low rental free of just $69.00ea month would generate $41,400.00 yearly of maintenance free revenue for the building. Equiptall of NYC provides complimentary onsite layouts and  Lifetime Warranties. Contact us today for immediate assistance. P(917) 837-0032

Two Tier Lockers provide maximum storage in minimum space
in stock 3ft, 4ft wide x 3ft, 4ft or 5ft deep
Two Tier Lockers All Welded 4ga Galvanized Steel Construction.
Free onsite Layouts P(917) 837-0032
Equiptall, LLC
Visit us at LockersUSA
Tenant Storage Lockers in stock Long Island City NY 11101