Tenant Storage Cages Queens NY 11104 Generate Revenue

Tenant Storage Cages Queens NY 11104 generate revenue. LockersUSA’s Tenant storage cages allow residential buildings to generate revenue by charging a low monthly rental fee for basement storage in their building. LockersUSA tenant storage cages provide low initial cost storage with the best warranty in the business. Each of our tenant storage cages are made with 4ga galvanized steel with all welded grid openings. Each cage has a full height lock bar, welded hasps. Optional tops and backs and shelving units can also be installed.

tenant storage lockers Queens NY 11104
Tenant Storage Cages Sunnyside Queens 11104.

Typically for Queens standard size tenant storage cages are rented out from $80.00 to $145.00 per month depending on the size. A building with 40 units charging $80.00 per month would generate $38,400.00 per year in maintenance free revenue. the units pay for themselves in low monthly rentals in about 8 months.
LockersUSA provides complimentary on site layouts, professional installations at the lowest cost and best warranty in the business. When considering tenant storage tell the bidders you would like to see other buildings in your area. Its good to see what your paying for. Contact us today for immediate assistance. Sales@LockersUSA.com or P(917)837-0032.

Tenant Storage Cages Queens NY 11104. Tenant Storage Lockers Sunnyside Queens 11104.

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Tenant storage Cages NYC. Lockersusa.com stocks tenant storage cages, Metal Lockers and security cages. Complimentary on-site layouts. Lowest overall cost. Proudly serving New York City, Brooklyn, Queens NY, Bronx, Staten Island and Upper Manhattan. Tenant Storage Cages NYC